Patient Resources
Below are some links, handouts, and resources my patients have found useful. I will add more as I find them. If any of these links are broken, please let me know. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Appointment/Visit Communication Worksheet
Prescription Help
GoodRX for comparison shopping among pharmacies
Cost Plus Drugs - Mark Cuban's discount online pharmacy
If you still can't afford your medications, go to the medication's manufacturer's website to get copay coupons or fill out a Patient Assistance Program application - bring these with you to your appointment, and I'll be happy to help you fill them out.
Lifestyle Management Handouts
**Please note: none of these take the place of advice from your doctor. In many cases, headaches, neuropathic pain, insomnia, imbalance, or leg cramps can be the sign of another illness, and you should be seen by a neurologist to be appropriately diagnosed before you try any treatments, natural or otherwise, on your own. Additionally, depending on your age, medical conditions, and other risk factors, your doctor may choose medication instead of, or in addition to, some of these lifestyle changes.
Advanced Directives/Living Wills
Alzheimer's Association: information about dementia, being a caregiver, support groups
Chronic Insomnia
Online Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Psychogenic Nonepileptic Spells/Functional Neurologic Disorders
Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and other Chronic Medically Unexplained Symptoms
Curable Health app
The Mind Body Prescription by Dr. John Sarno
Danny Did for information about epilepsy and Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)
Charlie Foundation for information about ketogenic diet for epilepsy
Essential Tremor
Multiple Sclerosis
Online Habit Reversal Training Therapy
Movement Disorders
Parkinson's disease
​Rock Steady Near Boca: Delray Beach | Coral Springs
Stiff-Person Syndrome
General Medical Advice
The following are websites that review alternative medicine's evidence, exposing some treatments that have been touted inappropriately as helpful. Some of these are dangerous, some just offer false hope. Remember to always read about attractive "complementary," "functional" or "alternative" practices with as much skepticism as you would approach your medical doctor! Ask about risks. Ask about benefits. Ask about research studies. Read reputable sources, preferably peer-reviewed.